A lawnmower has been partially disassembled for servicing prior to the mowing season.

How to winterize the lawn equipment

It’s time to close up shop for winter. You’ve mowed for the last time, bagged up the leaves and emptied out the last few containers. Now what about your fleet of equipment? Preparing your mower, tiller and other outdoor gear for hibernation is simple and will guarantee a triumphant return to work in spring!

  • Fluids Drain oil and fuel from your equipment. Allowing it to sit over the winter will cause oil to be come sludgy and gas will go bad. Using stabilizer in your fuel is also an option in some cases.
  • Parts Inspect for wear and tear. Take a peak at your spark plugs, filters, seals and other parts that may need cleaning or replacing.
  • Sharpen Up Check your mower blade and other cutting tools that need sharpening
  • Clean and Lubricate Remove visible dirt, dust and rust. Lubricate hinges or moving parts to make sure they are protected while they sit.

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